Twelve stunning Doctor Who stories for the long winter nights

Christmas can mean anything . . .

For Missy, it\’s solving Murders in 1909

For a little girl in Dublin, it\’s Plasmavores knocking at the door.

For Davros, it\’s a summons from the Doctor, who needs the mad inventor\’s help.

The perfect collection for the bleakest – and sometimes brightest – time of the year, these are the tales for when you\’re halfway out of the dark . . .
Written by popular children\’s author, and lifelong Doctor Who fan, Dave Rudden, author of Twelve Angels Weeping.

\’The comforting yet thrilling vibe of a Doctor Who Christmas special TIMES TWELVE\’ – Deirdre Sullivan

\’The perfect balance between tenderness and humour and terror and imagination – like the show at its very, very best\’ – Imogen Russell Williams

\’A fascinating tale\’ – Screenrant
The Wintertime Paradox
Festive Stories from the World of Doctor Who
By: Dave Rudden
Narrated by: Sophie Aldred
Length: 9 hrs and 31 mins
Release date: 10-22-20
Language: English


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